The Place /

where people go for answers / why am i here? / seems as good a place as any /
statue stands with open arms, looking down at me /
i wait / it's warm for late september /
sparrows sing & dance & play / child sobs / two men drink & laugh & sing some more / languages i cannot understand /
i listen / look up / above the outreaching mary / that beautiful arrow cuts through sky / that sharp cloud / and from my view / meets between two peaks, where crosses meet / and softens

/ disappears

. . .

I feel my fate: my fate finds me,
I feel my star: my star finds me,
I feel my aims: my aims find me.

my soul and the world are but one.

life grows more radiant about me,
life grows more arduous for me,
life grows richer for me.

[ rudolf steiner ]